PhD Research


Investigating the conservation value of edge populations using Sundial lupines

In Canada, more than 75% of vascular plants that are protected by the Species at Risk Act are only found at the northermost edge of their range towards the US-Canada border. These edge populations could be valuable for conservation because they may carry unique genetic characteristics, especially adaptations important for northward expansion under climate warming. Yet, genetic studies of edge populations is rare for at-risk plants in Canada, potentially decreasing their overall conservation value with respect to genetic uniqueness.

I'm studying the conservation value of edge populations using Sundial lupines (Lupinus perennis), a potentially at-risk plant found in southern Ontario. The plant is also an important food source to at least 3 at-risk butterfly species, including the Karner Blue Butterfly (now extirpated in Canada) and the mottled duskywing (endangered but undergoing recovery). 

My research focuses on 4 main areas:

1. Local adaptation in range-edge populations

Are range-edge populations adapted to their local environment? Or, do they suffer from genetic load and inbreeding? I combine field experiments (i.e reciprocal transplants) and whole genome sequencing to answer these questions. During this process, my lab has also assembled the first reference genome of Lupinus perennis, enabling other research projects. 

2. Mapping (mal)adaptation to future warming

Using species-distribution models, macroecologists can make predictions on where we expect species to persist in the future. However, these models often assume species are genetically homogeneous. With advancing genomic technologies, we can now account for within-species genetic variation in these models. As such, my research attempts to identify populations vulnerable to future warming and where populations could persist with their present genetics.

3. Gene flow outcomes at range edges and beyond 

Gene flow can enhance or disrupt adaptation at range edges depending on the population sourcing genetic material. I'm testing the effects of gene flow at range edges by carefully crossing-pollinating populations in the greenhouse followed by transplanting seed into the field. I'm also using genomics to assess inbreeding depression and genetic load. 

4. Environmental drivers of plant performance

Sundial lupine occupies a range of habitats (oak savannahs, prairies, dunes, pine barrens) that share common characteristics. I'm identifying environmental variables driving plant performance to better understand the plant's natural history (e.g light, soil, temperature).

Some moments from the field and in the lab:

Lilah regretting her descent down Sleeping Bear dunes

Ben's outdoor office

Maggie (MSc) pollinating flowers for her thesis project

Simon (MSc) helping with surveys

Where I've visited for my research...

Partner Organizations

Other organizations:

The Nature Conservancy (USA)

US National Park Service

US Fish & Wildlife Service

University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum

Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources

Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources

Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources

Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources

New Hampshire Dept. of Fish and Game

I also collaborate with the Moyers Lab at the University of Massachusettes Boston and the Gault Nature Reserve in Mont St. Hilaire, QC.

Fellowship Funding and Support

My doctoral research is generously supported by Mrs. and Dr. Milton Leong (McGillU, Faculty of Science), Dr. Richard H. Tomlinson (McGill University), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Friends of Nachusa Grasslands, McGill University mobility awards, a Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science Excellence Award (QCBS), Robert K. Wayne Conservation Scholarship and Research Award, the Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Award, and funding grants to the Hargreaves (NSERC-FQRNT NOVA, NSERC, CFI) and Schoen labs.